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Annuities News 2017 - Quarter 4
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News for the quarter:
UK annuities could fall due to ECB stimulus UK annuities could fall as ECB states stimulus is required to raise inflation
16 December 2017: Annuities could fall after ECB statement as gilt yields are 18 basis points lower.
Annuity Rates December 2017 Annuity rates vs gilt yields - December 2017
8 December 2017: Majority of smoker and enhanced annuity rates reduced by providers following the Banks 0.25% hike of interest rates.
Annuity rates rise to highest level for 2017 Annuity rates rise to highest for the year as yields remain level
6 December 2017: Annuity rates for people in good health rise with greater competition from providers.
Defined benfit transfer demand soars Defined benefit transfer demand soars as values reach all time highs
4 December 2017: DB schemes are offering large pension values to members up 10% since the Brexit.
Annuity Rates November 2017 Annuity rates vs gilt yields - November 2017
9 November 2017: Gilt yields were lower while investors cast doubt over the next rise in interest rates from US Federal Reserve after weaker inflation data.
Pension annuity rates lower Pension annuity providers reduce rates despite interest rate rise
6 November 2017: Gilt yields increase 26 basis points since central banks signal rise in interest rates.
Enhanced annuities up as yields rise Enhanced annuity rates up as central banks signal interest rate rise
2 October 2017: Gilt yields increase 26 basis points since central banks signal rise in interest rates.
Annuity Rates October 2017 Annuity rates vs gilt yields - October 2017
1 October 2017: Gilt yields rise 26 basis points as Bank of England and US Federal Reserve signal an interest rate rise in the autumn is likely.
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Annuity Rates
  Age Single Joint  
  55 £6,132 £5,784  
  60 £6,532 £6,234  
  65 £7,247 £6,808  
  70 £8,170 £7,616  
£100,000 purchase, level rates, standard
Unisex rates and joint life basis
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