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Annuities News 2018 - Quarter 1
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News for the quarter:
Annuity Rates January 2018 Annuity rates vs gilt yields - March 2018
9 March 2018: Pension annuities at highest level this year after gilt yields rise to 1.89% with strong US inflation data before falling back unchanged.
Pension annuity rates surge 4% higher Pension annuity rates surge almost 4% by providers with higher yields
7 March 2018: Annuities surge ahead up almost 4% from providers as gilt yields rise before falling back.
final salary transfervalues remain high Final salary transfer values remain high even after strong rise in gilt yields
5 March 2018: Ttransfer values are stable despite higher gilt yields following rise in interest rates.
Annuity Rates February 2018 Annuity rates vs gilt yields - February 2018
6 February 2018: The 15-year gilt yields are up 25 basis points as US interest rates are expected to rise in March after strong economic growth figures.
Annuities rise up to 5% with higher yields Annuities rise up to 5% with higher yields from US economic growth
5 February 2018: Annuities increase after gilt yields rise with expectation of higher interest rates.
Retirement income up 33% since Brexit Retirement income up 33% since Brexit vote and highest for ten years
29 January 2018: Retirement income is up 33% due to rising equity markets and higher annuity rates.
Annuity Rates January 2018 Annuity rates vs gilt yields - January 2018
8 January 2018: Providers reduce the majority of annuities for the start f the new year as the 15-year gilt yields fall 13 basis points.
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Annuity Rates
  Age Single Joint  
  55 £6,132 £5,784  
  60 £6,532 £6,234  
  65 £7,247 £6,808  
  70 £8,170 £7,616  
£100,000 purchase, level rates, standard
Unisex rates and joint life basis
  Annuity Rates  
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